
My Design Philosophy

Embracing Iteration

I recognise the inherent complexity of crafting exceptional user experiences and embrace the iterative nature of the design process. By championing an iterative approach, I allow myself the freedom to experiment, learn, and refine my ideas, fostering a continuous cycle of improvement that drives design excellence. This process involves rapidly testing ideas through sketches, simple prototypes, or user feedback, and then making necessary modifications based on the insights gained. This approach enables me to identify and address potential issues early on, ultimately resulting in a more polished and effective final design.

Accepting Discardability

I appreciate the dynamic nature of the design process and understand the importance of accepting discardability as an essential aspect of creative exploration. By valuing discardability, I allow myself the freedom to take risks, experiment with new ideas, and learn from both successes and setbacks. In line with the 80/20 rule, I anticipate that a significant portion of my work may be discarded, while the remaining ideas evolve into high-quality designs. This mindset encourages me to continuously push boundaries, innovate, and refine my concepts without the fear of failure or attachment to any single idea.

Championing Collaboration

I firmly believe that the essence of exceptional design lies in the power of collaboration. Understanding that design is not an isolated pursuit, I champion a collaborative approach that brings together diverse perspectives, expertise, and talents to create innovative and user-centric solutions. As a designer, I often take on the role of a facilitator, fostering open communication, knowledge sharing, and mutual learning among team members. This collaborative environment not only accelerates the design process but also enhances the quality of the final product, as ideas are collectively refined, challenged, and improved upon.

Emotional Connection

I passionately believe in the power of forging deep emotional connections through my designs. By weaving a captivating narrative, infusing warmth, and delivering a delightful experience, I strive to create designs that resonate with users on a profound level. This approach fosters a sense of belonging, which can transform a user’s interaction with the product into an enriching and memorable journey. By cultivating meaningful emotional connections, I not only enhance user satisfaction and loyalty but also foster a strong bond between the user and the product. This connection transcends mere utility and elevates the user experience into a cherished, personal encounter that users are eager to revisit and share with others.

Data-Informed Design

I firmly believe in the value of harnessing data and analytics to drive insightful design decisions. By integrating user feedback, usability testing, and behavioural analysis, I can effectively identify areas for improvement, validate design choices, and ensure that my designs are genuinely tailored to user needs. This data-driven approach enables me to make informed decisions, rooted in objective insights and real-world user interactions. By continually monitoring and refining my designs based on data, I can adapt and evolve them to better address user preferences, emerging trends, and shifting market dynamics.

My Human-Centered Design Process

Research and Empathy

My UX design journey begins with comprehensive research to understand the problem at hand. I delve into past attempts, team experiences, and insights gained from previous projects. My empathetic approach to design ensures that user perspectives are incorporated from the very beginning of the research phase.

Idea Generation through Sketching

Sketching serves as an effective tool for brainstorming rough ideas, visualizing interaction and UI flows, and creating thumbnail layouts. This stage encourages the exploration of all ideas, even those that may not seem promising initially. Eventually, a set of viable concepts will emerge from these sketches.

Prototyping and Validation

Once the potential ideas have been identified, I move on to the prototyping phase to test assumptions and validate concepts. The fidelity of the prototypes varies depending on factors such as project requirements and available resources. For instance, I may use paper prototypes to quickly evaluate basic ideas without investing significant time in creating high-fidelity prototypes.

For more complex projects that demand detailed feedback, I develop high-fidelity prototypes with mockups and interactive wireframes (primarily using Axure or Adobe XD) to closely resemble the final product.

Refinement and Collaboration

After validating and refining ideas through paper prototyping and user testing, I create a more polished, high-fidelity interactive demo or storyboard. This serves as a blueprint for engineers to implement the working UI. By collaborating closely with the development team, we ensure a seamless transition from design to execution, ultimately delivering a human-centered product.

My Works

  • CES Analysis
  • Emble
  • RMIT Creds
  • RMIT Student Assistant
  • MANA
  • 7 Cups
  • BlueDust Game

I conducted a qualitative analysis of the data from the Course Experience Survey (CES), which is given to students at RMIT University at the end of each semester. By following several key steps to gather valuable insights about student experiences across various courses helped the university identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

  1. Data Organization: Organize the collected data into themes, such as course content, teaching quality, assessment methods, and learning resources. Categorizing the data in this way will help identify patterns and trends across the feedback.
  2. Data Coding: Assign codes to the categorized data to facilitate a systematic analysis. This may involve using pre-determined codes based on the themes or developing new codes as they emerge during the analysis process.
  3. Data Analysis: Analyze the coded data by examining recurring themes, emerging patterns, and notable outliers. This may involve identifying common issues, challenges, or successes experienced by students in different courses.
  4. Interpretation: Interpret the findings from the data analysis, drawing conclusions about the overall course experience and specific areas that may require attention or improvement. Consider the broader context of the university’s educational goals and objectives when interpreting the data.
  5. Recommendations: Based on the findings and interpretations, develop actionable recommendations for course improvements or adjustments. These may include revising course content, enhancing teaching methods, or updating learning resources.
  6. Reporting: Prepare a comprehensive report summarizing the findings, interpretations, and recommendations from the qualitative analysis. Present this report to relevant stakeholders, such as course coordinators, faculty members, and university administration, for further action and evaluation.

Below are some images of the process and the outcome of the analysis.

Analysis Process Documentation
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Emble is an intuitive, user-friendly tool designed to assist educators in building their Canvas courses with ease. It offers a variety of highly sought-after visual assets, such as banners, columns, callout boxes, dividers, and more, to create visually appealing and organized course content.

As the user experience researcher for this cross-collaborative university-level project, I played a pivotal role in ensuring that Emble met the needs and expectations of its users. My responsibilities included gathering and analysing user feedback, identifying pain points and areas for improvement, and working closely with the design and development teams to implement enhancements that would elevate the overall user experience. Through diligent research and collaboration, we were able to create a streamlined, effective tool that greatly benefits educators in their course creation endeavours. Read more about the project on the RMIT University website and watch the video below for visual details:

RMIT Creds is an innovative suite of industry-relevant digital certification to help you develop skills and capabilities for life and work.

I spearheaded the co-creation process of a gamified solution with RMIT students, aiming to enhance the sign-up and student journey for RMIT creds. Our approach involved several key steps, such as pinpointing the problem, examining the current sign-up journey from both the 21 CC and student viewpoints, and addressing pain points through observation and interviews. We then gained a deeper understanding of our target audience by developing personas and aligning each student co-designer with a specific persona and player type.

Subsequently, we established the mission and desired behaviour for the gamified solution, with a focus on marketing and emphasising the value of signing up for a credential. By employing paper prototyping techniques, we successfully crafted an engaging and effective gamified experience for RMIT students. For a more detailed explanation, please refer to the video below.

Co-design session
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The RMIT Student Assistant application is designed to provide support, resources, and guidance for students at RMIT University. To ensure its effectiveness and usability, I performed a comprehensive audit of the application, which included several key steps:

  1. User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) Evaluation: Assess the visual appearance, layout, and navigation of the application, ensuring that it is intuitive, visually appealing, and user-friendly. Identify any areas that may cause confusion or frustration for users and propose improvements.
  2. Content Analysis: Review the information and resources available within the application, ensuring that they are accurate, up-to-date, and relevant to the needs of RMIT students. Identify any gaps in content and suggest new resources or updates to existing information.
  3. Benchmarking: Compare the RMIT Student Assistant application to similar applications or resources offered by other universities, identifying best practices and opportunities for improvement.
  4. Action Plan: Based on the findings from the audit, develop a comprehensive action plan to address identified issues, enhance the user experience, and ensure that the RMIT Student Assistant application continues to be a valuable resource for students.
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Exploring a Tactile Wearable Navigation Device for QVM

Project MANA was about understanding and designing a navigation system for the blind at Queen Victoria Market, Melbourne, Australia.

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7 Cups of Tea connects individuals seeking emotional support with trained, compassionate listeners in a secure, anonymous one-on-one chat environment. 7 Cups’s diverse network of listeners come from various backgrounds and life experiences, offering empathetic support to those in need. Users reach out to the listeners at 7 Cups of Tea for a multitude of reasons, ranging from profound existential concerns to everyday challenges. Unlike conversations with family or friends, these listeners provide non-judgmental support without attempting to solve problems or offer unsolicited advice. By simply listening and understanding, the listeners create a safe space for users to clear their minds and gain clarity.

At 7 Cups of Tea, an on-demand emotional health and well-being service, I took on several key responsibilities to enhance the user experience. These included:

  1. Conducting an audit of the existing user experience system to identify areas of improvement;
  2. Designing new components aimed at retaining users and encouraging prolonged engagement with the website;
  3. Developing short-term and long-term challenges/goals to maintain a continuous loop of user retention; and
  4. Refining the user experience based on qualitative analyses gathered from user feedback.
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BlueDust is a captivating mobile-based, free-to-play, massively multiplayer online (MMO) strategy war game set in the enthralling world of the Fractured Lands. As the leader of your people, you’ll guide them through the most tumultuous era in the realm’s history, leaving a lasting impact on this war-ravaged world.

In your quest for dominance, you’ll construct cities, engage in fierce battles with bizarre creatures, and expand your territory. Your ultimate goal is to confront the formidable alien adversaries who threaten your civilization. By gaining control of BlueDust and the enigmatic Pyramid, you’ll unlock unprecedented power, solidifying your position as the most formidable leader the planet has ever known.

Embark on an epic journey, form alliances, and face challenges head-on in BlueDust – an immersive MMO strategy war game.

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