Exploring a Tactile Wearable Navigation Device for QVM

Project MANA: Exploring a Tactile Wearable Navigation Device for Queen Victoria Market (QVM)

Project MANA was an exploratory design project aimed at developing a tactile navigation system for visually impaired individuals at the Queen Victoria Market in Melbourne, Australia. The objective was to create a device that would assist users in navigating the bustling market environment more independently and efficiently.

Key Elements of the Project

  • Research and understanding: Comprehensive field research was conducted to understand the challenges faced by the visually impaired while navigating the Queen Victoria Market. This included interviews with market visitors, observations, and collaboration with accessibility experts.
  • Design and development: The project focused on designing a wearable device that could provide directional feedback through tactile sensations. Various prototypes were developed to test different form factors and sensory feedback methods, such as vibrations or pressure cues.
  • User testing and iteration: Multiple iterations of the prototype were tested with visually impaired individuals to gather feedback and refine the design. Key considerations included comfort, intuitiveness, and effectiveness in providing navigation cues.


The result was a concept for a wearable navigation device that combines accessibility with a user-friendly design, offering a more inclusive experience for visually impaired market visitors. This project demonstrated the potential of wearable technology to enhance mobility and independence in complex, crowded public spaces.