Project: Qualitative Analysis of Customer Experience Survey (CES) Data at RMIT University

Project: Qualitative Analysis of Customer Experience Survey (CES) Data at RMIT University


I led a qualitative analysis of the Course Experience Survey (CES) data collected from students at RMIT University at the end of each semester. This project aimed to gather valuable insights into student experiences across various courses, helping the university identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement.

My Approach

  • Data organization: I categorized the collected data into themes such as course content, teaching quality, assessment methods, and learning resources. This thematic organization helped uncover patterns and trends in student feedback.
  • Data coding: I assigned codes to the categorized data, using a mix of pre-determined codes and new ones that emerged during analysis. This systematic approach facilitated a comprehensive exploration of the feedback.
  • Data analysis: I conducted a deep analysis of the coded data, examining recurring themes, emerging patterns, and notable outliers. This involved identifying common challenges, issues, and successes experienced by students across different courses.
  • Interpretation: I interpreted the findings in the context of RMIT’s educational goals, drawing conclusions about the overall course experience and identifying specific areas requiring attention or improvement.
  • Recommendations: Based on the insights gained, I developed actionable recommendations for course enhancements, such as revising course content, improving teaching methods, or updating learning resources.
  • Reporting: I prepared a comprehensive report summarizing the findings, interpretations, and recommendations. This report was presented to course coordinators, faculty members, and university administration to inform decision-making and future improvements.


This analysis provided RMIT University (Education Portfolio) with a clearer understanding of student experiences, enabling targeted interventions that enhanced teaching quality, assessment methods, and overall course satisfaction. The findings have informed several strategic decisions to improve the learning experience for current and future students.

Tools and Techniques Used

  • Qualitative Data Analysis
  • Thematic Analysis
  • Data Coding
  • Report Writing and Presentation

Key Learnings

This project highlighted the value of detailed qualitative analysis in understanding student needs and aligning course offerings with their expectations. It reinforced the importance of data-driven decision-making in improving educational outcomes.