Project: Gamified Student Journey for RMIT Creds

Project: Gamified Student Journey for RMIT Creds


RMIT Creds is an innovative suite of industry-relevant digital certifications designed to help students develop essential skills and capabilities for life and work. To enhance the sign-up process and overall student experience for RMIT Creds, I led the co-creation of a gamified solution with RMIT students.

My Role

As the lead UX researcher and designer, I spearheaded the co-creation process, collaborating closely with RMIT students to transform the sign-up journey. The project aimed to increase engagement and improve the overall student journey by implementing a gamified approach.

Key Steps and Approach

  • Problem Identification: Analyzed the existing sign-up journey from both the 21CC (21st Century Credentials) and student perspectives, identifying pain points through direct observations and interviews.
  • Understanding the Audience: Developed detailed personas representing different types of students and aligned each student co-designer with a specific persona and player type to ensure diverse perspectives in the co-design process.
  • Defining Mission and Desired Behaviors: Established the mission and desired behaviour changes for the gamified solution, focusing on marketing strategies emphasising the value of signing up for a credential.
  • Prototyping and Validation: Utilized paper prototyping techniques to craft an engaging and user-friendly gamified experience, continuously refining the design based on user feedback and testing.


This gamified approach significantly enhanced the engagement levels for RMIT Creds, providing a more compelling and enjoyable sign-up experience for students while effectively communicating the value of digital certifications.

Discover how a collaborative, student-centred design process led to a gamified solution that transforms the sign-up experience for RMIT Creds. Learn how this innovative approach boosts engagement and highlights the value of digital certifications for students.

Key Learnings

This project underscored the importance of involving users in the design process to create effective and engaging solutions. Using gamification strategies proved valuable in transforming mundane processes into motivating and rewarding experiences.