
Research and Design

PSINet (Synchronise with others’ brainwaves)
GazeAway (Think and remember better)
Fluito (VR in a flotation tank)
Shared Bodily Fusion (Social Games)
Auto-Paizo (Greek for “Self-Play” games)
Fused Spectatorship (Spectating with the body)
AI-in-the-Shell (Playing against a real AI-hand)
Pneunocchio (Extend your nose with a game)
Gooey Gut Trail (Play with your Gut Health)
Somaflatables (Extend your body with air)
Play against your own body
Myopic Bike (VR for Vision Impairment Empathy)
VR-Captcha (Moving your body for Captcha)
Drone chi (Meditate with drones)
AR Games to kill time while waiting in queues
Arm-A-Dine (Using a robot to share food)
Guts Game (A pill to play with body temperature)
VR Breathing Game (Focus like never before)