AR game – Theme Park

Reducing perceived waiting time in theme park queues via an AR game

Fabio Zambetta, William Raffe, Marco Tamassia, Florian ’Floyd‚ Mueller, Xiaodong Li, Niels Quinten, Rakesh Patibanda, Daniel Dang, and Jon Satterley. 2020. Reducing Perceived Waiting Time in Theme Park Queues via an Augmented Reality Game. ACM Trans. Comput.-Hum. Interact. 27, 1, Article 3 (February 2020), 30 pages.


Theme parks visits can be very playful events for families, however, waiting in the ride’s queues can often be the cause of great frustration. We developed a novel augmented reality game to be played in the theme park’s queue, and an in-the-wild study with X participants using log data and interviews demonstrated that every minute playing was perceived to the same extent of about 5 minutes of not playing the game. We articulate a design space for researchers and strategies for game designers aiming to reduce perceived waiting time in queues. With our work, we hope to extend how we use games in everyday life to make our lives more playful.