
Research Publications


  • Shared Bodily Fusion: Leveraging Inter-Body Electrical Muscle Stimulation for Social Play | DIS 2024 | DOI | Video
  • Workshop: Exploring Shared Bodily Control: Designing Augmented Human Systems for Intra-and Inter-Corporeality | AH 2024 | DOI
  • PneuMa: Designing Pneumatic Bodily Extensions for Supporting Movement in Everyday Life | TEI 2024 | DOI | Video
  • PsiNet: Toward Understanding the Design of Brain-to-Brain Interfaces for Augmenting Inter-Brain Synchrony | CHI 2024 | 🏆 Best Paper Award (Top 1%) 🏆 | DOI | Video
  • GazeAway: Designing for Gaze Aversion Experiences | CHI 2024 | Late-Breaking Work | DOI | Video
  • Grand Challenges in SportsHCI | CHI 2024 | DOI | Video


  • Pneunocchio: A playful nose augmentation for facilitating embodied representation | UIST 2023 | DOI
  • Workshop: Exploring the Design Space of Assistive Augmentation | AH 2023 | DOI
  • Auto-Paizo Games: Towards Understanding the Design of Games that Aim to Unify a Player’s Physical Body and the Virtual World | CHI PLAY 2023 | 🏆 Best Interactivity (Audience Choice Award) 🏆 | DOI | Video
  • Fused Spectatorship: Designing Bodily Experiences Where Spectators Become Players | CHI PLAY 2023 | DOI | Video
  • Fluito: Towards Understanding the Design of Playful Water Experiences Through an Extended Reality Floatation Tank System | CHI PLAY 2023 | DOI | Video
  • Towards Designing for Everyday Embodied Remembering: Findings from a Diary Study | DIS 2023 | DOI | Video
  • AI in the Shell: Towards an Understanding of Integrated Embodiment | Late-Breaking Work | CHI 2023 | DOI | Video


  • Book: Human–Computer Integration: Towards Integrating the Human Body with the Computational Machine | Foundations and Trends® in Human-Computer Interaction | DOI
  • Towards Understanding the Design of Body-Actuated Play | Doctoral Consortium | CHI PLAY 2022 | DOI | Video
  • Towards an Initial Understanding of the Design of Playful Water Experiences Through Flotation | Work-in-progress | CHI PLAY 2022 | DOI | Video
  • TouchMate: Understanding the Design of Body Actuating Games using Physical Touch | Work-in-progress | CHI PLAY 2022 | DOI | Video
  • Gooey Gut Trail: Board Game Play to Understand Human-Microbial Interactions | CHI PLAY 2022 | DOI | Video
  • SomaFlatables: Supporting Embodied Cognition through Pneumatic Bladders | UIST 2022 | DOI
  • Going into Depth: Learning from a Survey of Interactive Designs for Aquatic Recreation | DIS 2022 | DOI | Video


  • Actuating Myself: Designing Hand-Games Incorporating Electrical Muscle Stimulation | Work-in-progress | CHI 2021 | DOI | Video
  • Workshop: Out of Your Mind!? Embodied Interaction in Sports | CHI 2021 | DOI | Website
  • Myopic Bike and Say Hi: Games for Empathizing with Myopic Users | Student Game Design Competition | CHI 2021 | DOI | Video
  • SIGHInt: Special Interest Group for Human-Computer Integration | Special Interest Group (SIG) | CHI 2021 | DOI
  • Workshop: Do Cyborgs dream of Electric Limbs? Experiential Factors in Human-Computer Integration Design and Evaluation | CHI 2021 | DOI | Website
  • vrCAPTCHA: Exploring CAPTCHA Designs in Virtual Reality | Late-Breaking Work | CHI 2021 | DOI | Video
  • Limited Control Over the Body as Intriguing Play Design Resource | CHI 2021 | DOI | Video


  • Journal: Reducing Perceived Waiting Time in Theme Park Queues via an Augmented Reality Game | TOCHI Journal 2020 | DOI | Video
  • Drone Chi: Somaesthetic Human-Drone Interaction | CHI 2020 | 🏆 (Honorable Mention Award) 🏆 | DOI | Video
  • Workshop: Inbodied Interaction for Human Performance and Future Bodies | TEI 2020 | DOI
  • “Erfahrung & Erlebnis”: Understanding the Bodily Play Experience through German Lexicon | TEI 2020 | DOI | Video
  • Towards Designing Bodily Integrated Play | TEI 2020 | DOI | Video
  • Workshop: Motor Memory in HCI | CHI 2020 | DOI | Website


  • The Guts Game: Towards Designing Ingestible Games | CHI PLAY 2018 | DOI | Video
  • Arm-A-Dine: Towards Understanding the Design of Playful Embodied Eating Experiences | CHI PLAY 2018 | DOI | Video
  • Experiencing the Body as Play | CHI 2018 | 🏆 (Best Paper Award – Top 1%) 🏆 | DOI | Video


  • Life Tree: Understanding the Design of Breathing Exercise Games | CHI PLAY 2017 | DOI | Video


  • BreathSenses: Classification of Digital Breathing Games | Workshop Submission | CHI 2016 | PDF

Master Thesis

Understanding the Design of Breathing Exercise Games | Thesis [PDF, 3.55 MB]